Many businesses are suffering from a skills shortage but there is a type of visa which, even during the pandemic, allows employers to hire workers from overseas.
The Temporary Skills Shortage Visa (subclass 482) is designed to fill positions in Australia that have not been filled by locals in industries where there is a shortage of available job seekers and is one of the very few categories under which a migrant can apply for a travel exemption to get into Australia.
All employers are required to publish 2 job advertisements on a prominent or professional recruitment website with national reach or national print media (newspapers, magazines), on national radio or on the business’s website if the sponsor is an accredited sponsor for at least 28 days.
These positions must also be advertised on the Australian government employment website, JobActive, for 28 days.
The advertisement must contain the title or a description of the position as well as the skills or experience required for the position and the name of the approved sponsor or the name of the recruitment agency being used by the sponsor.
The advertisement must also contain the salary for the position if the annual earnings for the position are lower than $96,400.
So what are the costs to a business when hiring an overseas worker on a 482 visa?
Firstly, the annual salary of an advertised position must be above the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT), which at the moment stands at AUD53,900 plus superannuation.
The business must also pay the Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) levy for each 482 Visa they sponsor, this levy is dependent on the size of the business, with businesses with an annual turnover of less than $10 million paying $1,200 per year.
Businesses with an annual turnover of more than $10 million must pay $1,800 per year per sponsored employee.
For a business in Australia to sponsor an employee on a 482 visa, they must hold either a Standard or Overseas Business Sponsorship which costs $420 and is valid for 5 years or be a party to a labour agreement.
The employee must apply for a travel exemption to get into Australia and is more likely to be approved if their skills are on the Priority Migration Skilled Occupation List (PMSOL) which you can view here:
If you are suffering from a skills shortage in your business, sponsoring skilled workers from overseas is an excellent option to grow your business by providing you with the help you need.
EasyMigrate’s experienced agents and lawyers can help you secure the skills your business needs through the Temporary Skills Shortage Visa (subclass 482).
To discuss your options and start planning, call us now on +61 (08) 9221 4888 or book an appointment using the following link –