New 482 Core Skills list includes retail managers, many engineering jobs

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Migrants to Australia who want to apply for the rejigged Skills in Demand (SID) visa (subclass 482) will soon need to consult the brand new Core Skills Occupation list (CSOL) to see if they can apply for the popular Permanent Residency pathway.

The CSOL will replace previous occupations lists used to assess eligibility for the subclass 482 visa’s previous iteration, the Temporary Skills Shortage visa.

The 456 occupations on the list include Corporate General Manager, Sales and Marketing Manager, ICT manager, Accountant, Data Analyst, Content Creator, Aeroplane Pilot and a range of specialist engineering professions.

It was created by Jobs and Skills Australia, a part of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment, after an analysis of the labour market with the aim of attracting skilled migrants to Australia to help alleviate the ongoing skills shortage.

The new list will be implemented on December 7 and will affect how migrants can apply for two visas, the Core Skills stream of the SID 482 visa and the Direct Entry stream of the permanent Employer Nominations scheme (subclass 186) visa.

The Government of Australia also said they will announce additional reforms on the same day the CSOL is rolled out, including more details on the SID and another revamped visa, the National Innovation visa (subclass 858).

It was not immediately clear which visas these reforms would affect.

Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL) for Skills in Demand visa (482) and Employer Nominations visa (858)

ANZSCO code Occupation
1 111111 Chief Executive or Managing Director
2 111211 Corporate General Manager
3 121111 Aquaculture Farmer
4 121311 Apiarist
5 121313 Dairy Cattle Farmer
6 121315 Goat Farmer
7 121318 Pig Farmer
8 121321 Poultry Farmer
9 121611 Flower Grower
10 131112 Sales and Marketing Manager
11 131113 Advertising Manager
12 132111 Corporate Services Manager
13 132211 Finance Manager
14 132311 Human Resource Manager
15 132411 Policy and Planning Manager
16 132511 Research and Development Manager
17 133111 Construction Project Manager
18 133112 Project Builder
19 133211 Engineering Manager
20 133511 Production Manager (Forestry)
21 133512 Production Manager (Manufacturing)
22 133611 Supply and Distribution Manager
23 133612 Procurement Manager
24 134211 Medical Administrator \ Medical Superintendent
25 134212 Nursing Clinical Director
26 134213 Primary Health Organisation Manager
27 134311 School Principal
28 134411 Faculty Head
29 134499 Education Managers nec


ANZSCO code Occupation
30 135111 Chief Information Officer
31 135112 ICT Project Manager
32 135199 ICT Managers nec
33 139911 Arts Administrator or Manager
34 139912 Environmental Manager
35 139913 Laboratory Manager
36 139916 Quality Assurance Manager
37 139917 Regulatory Affairs Manager
38 141311 Hotel or Motel Manager
39 141411 Licensed Club Manager
40 141999 Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec
41 142111 Retail Manager (General)
42 142116 Travel Agency Manager
43 149411 Fleet Manager
44 149911 Boarding Kennel or Cattery Operator
45 149912 Cinema or Theatre Manager
46 149915 Equipment Hire Manager
47 149999 Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec
48 211212 Music Director
49 212111 Artistic Director
50 212315 Program Director (Television or Radio)
51 212316 Stage Manager
52 212317 Technical Director
53 212318 Video Producer
54 212413 Print Journalist
55 212414 Radio Journalist
56 212415 Technical Writer
57 212416 Television Journalist
58 212499 Journalists and Other Writers nec
59 221111 Accountant (General)
60 221112 Management Accountant
61 221113 Taxation Accountant
62 221211 Company Secretary



ANZSCO code Occupation
63 221213 External Auditor
64 221214 Internal Auditor
65 222112 Finance Broker
66 222113 Insurance Broker
67 222311 Financial Investment Adviser
68 223111 Human Resource Adviser
69 223112 Recruitment Consultant
70 223113 Workplace Relations Adviser
71 224111 Actuary
72 224112 Mathematician
73 224114 Data Analyst
74 224115 Data Scientist
75 224116 Statistician
76 224511 Land Economist
77 224512 Valuer
78 224712 Organisation and Methods Analyst
79 224713 Management Consultant
80 224714 Supply Chain Analyst
81 224914 Patents Examiner
82 224999 Information and Organisation Professionals nec
83 225111 Advertising Specialist
84 225113 Marketing Specialist
85 225114 Content Creator (Marketing)
86 225211 ICT Account Manager
87 225212 ICT Business Development Manager
88 225213 ICT Sales Representative
89 225311 Public Relations Professional
90 225411 Sales Representative (Industrial Products)
91 225412 Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products)
92 225499 Technical Sales Representatives nec
93 231111 Aeroplane Pilot
94 231113 Flying Instructor
95 231114 Helicopter Pilot



ANZSCO code Occupation
96 231199 Air Transport Professionals nec
97 231212 Ship’s Engineer
98 232111 Architect
99 232112 Landscape Architect
100 232212 Surveyor
101 232213 Cartographer
102 232214 Other Spatial Scientist
103 232313 Jewellery Designer
104 232412 Illustrator
105 232413 Multimedia Designer
106 232414 Web Designer
107 232511 Interior Designer
108 232611 Urban and Regional Planner
109 233111 Chemical Engineer
110 233112 Materials Engineer
111 233211 Civil Engineer
112 233212 Geotechnical Engineer
113 233213 Quantity Surveyor
114 233214 Structural Engineer
115 233215 Transport Engineer
116 233311 Electrical Engineer
117 233411 Electronics Engineer
118 233511 Industrial Engineer
119 233512 Mechanical Engineer
120 233513 Production or Plant Engineer
121 233611 Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum)
122 233612 Petroleum Engineer
123 233911 Aeronautical Engineer
124 233912 Agricultural Engineer
125 233913 Biomedical Engineer
126 233914 Engineering Technologist
127 233915 Environmental Engineer
128 233916 Naval Architect \ Marine Designer




ANZSCO code Occupation
129 233999 Engineering Professionals nec
130 234111 Agricultural Consultant
131 234114 Agricultural Research Scientist
132 234115 Agronomist
133 234116 Aquaculture or Fisheries Scientist
134 234211 Chemist
135 234212 Food Technologist
136 234213 Wine Maker
137 234312 Environmental Consultant
138 234399 Environmental Scientists nec
139 234411 Geologist
140 234412 Geophysicist
141 234413 Hydrogeologist
142 234511 Life Scientist (General)
143 234513 Biochemist
144 234515 Botanist
145 234516 Marine Biologist
146 234521 Entomologist
147 234522