About EasyMigrate

EasyMigrate was established in September 2001 by Registered Migration Agent Cyrus Mistry.

EasyMigrate quickly became known as a quality provider of Australian immigration visa services, and in 2005 we established EasyRecruit to cater to the growing demand for overseas recruitment services. EasyStudy to provide to needs within the International Student sector.

The combination of the three businesses enables us to provide a comprehensive range of Australian immigration services. We now process more than 1,000 applications every year for clients from around the world and in Australia. Read more here

About EasyMigrate Southern Africa and Celeste Pillay

Due to high numbers of visa enquiries, student enrolments, and successfully processed visa applications from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique EasyMigrate have recruited a dedicated  Business Development Consultant. 

Celeste Pillay who was originally from South Africa and migrated successfully to Australia 2008 will look after all visa enquiries from Southern African countries.

Celeste’s Journey from South Africa to Australia – Why she wants to help her fellow South Africans

Celeste story began the same as many who have migrated from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Celeste and her family made the decision to leave behind the stability of family life and support, aspiring careers and businesses, financial stability with a small mortgage and a country that we loved with every ounce of our being.  Celeste recalls the migrating was frightening but the risk was worth it. She believes that a combination of her employment history, life experiences and journey as a migrant will bring value to her client relationships, teamed with the 5-star reputation of the Easy Migrate team in bringing the visa application to fruition.

We all need a good enough reason to take that giant leap of faith; relocating to another country!  Ours like many, was solely to protect our daughters, aged seven and nine at the time.  In the once safe town of Winkelspruit on Durban’s South Coast, we witnessed car jackings, comforted friends whose homes had been burgled, went to my uncles funeral after he was robbed and shot walking into a bank, experienced a mall lock down after a mother alerted security her child was missing, shared the grief of a mother whose child took her life because she did not meet the BEE quota for med school after matriculating with 7 distinctions and lived in the constant fear of ensuing harm upon my family by criminals, determined to take as they pleased. 

In March 2007 we had the realisation of an opt out; to relocate to Australia.  This marked the beginning of our journey.  My husband worked for a global organisation and made application for roles with the sister company in Australia.  He was telephonically interviewed from the head office in Sydney and was offered a role pending a face to face interview in May 2007. We contemplated every possible pro and con.  This was documented in a hard cover book that was prefaced with newspaper articles covering the crime that was fast swooping South Africa and the reason for the decision. It was hard leaving our six and eight-year-old girls behind for the first time for two weeks. Arrangements also needed to be made for my business to continue running as per normal.

Like all South Africans” make a plan”; we flew to Sydney for a successful interview and then onto Brisbane for a look-see.  The offer was employment on a 457 visa with a view to permanent residency after two years.  In Australia the 457 visa was the most common visa for Australian or overseas employers to sponsor skilled overseas workers to work temporarily in Australia.  It has been abolished since 18 March 2018 by the Turnbull government and replaced by another visa category.

I personally didn’t like the enormity of Sydney and the size and humidity of Brisbane. We flew from Brisbane to Perth thinking this might not happen.  To my surprise, Perth was everything we wanted in a home away from home and my husband was assigned to a small Perth office.  The emotions, preparation and run up to my husband’s departure in December 2007 and the girls and mine in January 2008 was mammoth.  That is a whole other story and definitely one to be told. 

After 3 months in Australia on the 457 visa, we knew the freedom and quality of life was for keeps. A colleague referred us to Easy Migrate, to explore options of applying for permanent residency on our own strength rather than waiting two years for my husband’s employer to make the application.  We met with Cyrus in April 2008.  During that first consultation he recommended the visa which gave us the best chance of approval with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.  He was transparent and clear on the process, fees and the expectation of both his team and us in ensuring all deadlines where made.  After six months our new visa was approved (Western Australia State Sponsorship) and any uncertainty of a life in Australia was extinguished.  We have since referred numerous South Africans and ex pats to Easy Migrate, all of which share the same success story as we do. 

Making an enquire with EasyMigrate Southern Africa is Easy!

Complete and submit our online enquiry form, Celeste will review your form and have one of our qualified and experienced Migration Consultants perform a (free) pre-assessment of your eligibility for an Australian visa. If you are eligible Celeste will contact you to arrange a time for a more detailed consultation.

Complete Online Assessment Here

If you would prefer to speak with Celeste in person please call +61 4 33 33 77 49 or email Celeste.Pillay@easymigrate.com